PPCM-R is an online research registry for PPCM survivors. We aim to prevent, treat and cure PPCM through education & research.

PPCM-R Origin Story

In 2019 Dr. Arany, Dr. Lewey and Dr. Thordsen started working on building a Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Registry, later named PPCM-R, with the goal of better understanding Peripartum Cardiomyopathy. As doctors and scientists, they realized that the lack research on Peripartum Cardiomyopathy was due to the difficulty finding large groups of PPCM survivors. The registry, PPCM-R, was envisioned as an online hub to unlock the knowledge of affected individuals and make progress toward a world without PPCM.

Why participate?

Researchers need to better understand the stories of survivors to successfully develop testing and PPCM treatments. By voluntarily sharing information with the PPCM-R. Participants can help ensure that the field is focused on aspects of the disease that are most important to survivors.

PPCM-R has four goals:

  1. To create a database of PPCM survivors with voluntary patient-mediated registration including survey questionnaires and medical record collection
  2. To answer important research question
  3. To be a source reliable educational information about PPCM
  4. To be a partner for PPCM advocacy groups in education and research initiatives

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This is a graph that shows women's age at the time of their PPCM diagnosis. Age > 30 years is a risk factor for developing PPCM. Hover over the graph to see the number of participants who have answered this question.

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This graph shows the number of women who breastfed after their PPCM impacted pregnancy. There is conflicting information and opinions about the safety of breastfeeding after PPCM diagnosis. Hover over the graph to see the number of participants who have answered this question.