What are the mainstays of PPCM treatment?

The treatment of PPCM includes many of the medications used in other types of heart failure. Fortunately, several of these medications are safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding. The most common medications used for treatment are described below:

  •  Loop diuretics commonly referred to as “water pills” allow excess fluid to be excreted as urine. These medications help with the symptoms of fluid overload in PPCM
  •  Beta-blockers are heart medications that both slow the heart rate and help the heart function improve
  •  Other heart muscle strengthening medications will be selected based on symptoms and if the patient is pregnant or breastfeeding. Certain medications are not safe during pregnancy or breastfeeding thus it is important for doctors to select medications carefully.
  •  Anticoagulation, or blood-thinner therapy, is used for patients with severe PPCM. Severe PPCM with pregnancy puts patients at high risk for blood clotting. However, the decision to start these therapies may depend on each individual patient and their risk factors for developing blood clots.

Other therapies may be required in more complicated or severe cases of PPCM. The goal of therapy is to help with symptoms of PPCM and help in the recovery of heart function.